Health, well-being and environmental sustainability are the new growth drivers in the FMCG segment

Health, well-being and environmental sustainability are the new growth drivers in the FMCG segment

Heightened consumer sensitivity to issues of health and well-being is confirmed by the market data: the fastest growing segments in the FMCG sector are organic (866 million euros, +14% last year), dietary (gluten-free 101 million euros, +31%; low-fat 25 million euros, +10%) and wholegrain products (235 million euros, +11%).

Italian consumers also appear to be particularly sensitive to issues of environmental sustainability: 41% purchased products because the manufacturer is recognised as being environmentally friendly and 38% because of the low environmental impact of the packaging. Social values are seen as important but have less influence on purchasing decisions: only 33% of consumers choose products due to the manufacturer’s social commitment and 31% due to direct impact on their community.
